Fitness with arthritis

1:1 online fitness coaching for women with arthritis/chronic joint pain

We offer

  • Customized training AROUND your individual condition/limitations

  • Customized nutrition guidance

  • Accountability & support

  • Education on how to navigate fitness through chronic conditions & “flares”

  • Community support

  • And so much more!!

About me

My name is Megan ❤️

I live in Iowa with my husband and golden retriever (Rosie), and I love iced coffee & Oreos.

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis myself shortly after turning 18 years old…

Since then, I’ve had to learn how to re-start my own fitness journey. I have been a certified personal trainer, corrective exercise specialist, & nutritionist since 2018.

I take a very balanced approach to fitness, and my goal is to help as many people as possible work AROUND the pain/limitations to ultimately take their lives back!

Client Testimonials

Here is what a few women have to say about their experience!